As is tradition Sembach must once again rain down upon the Bad Dürkheim Wurstmarkt (Wine Fest)
This is a premier event for all to join, the largest Wine Fest Germany has ever conceived. This is not your typical Saturday Hash…Ney, tis an invasion to enjoy the fruits of German Grape Harvest. As is tradition Sembach must once again rain down upon the Bad Dürkheim Wurstmarkt (Wine Fest)
Your hare from hell has something to say:
Due to complaints from Mismanagement,
I’m pushing start times back a few minutes. Meeting time are still the same, just train times have changed!
When: 19 September 2015
Where: Bad Dürkheim
How: Probably by train
Bring: Euro, no hash cash collection
Wear: Put on your Hash Hosen/Dirndl
Hare: Beer Bra
Train departing Landstuhl:
Train departing K-town:
Changing trains in Neustadt:
13:25 (we have 6min to change)
Train arriving in Bad Drunkheim:
When we arrive in Bad D, meet at fountain in front Bahnhof!
Trail to the biggest drunk Fest will start around 14:30!!!
And like I’ve said before: Harriets in Lederhosen, Harriers in Dirndl!!! That is a direct order 😉
PS: I’m not in charge of getting your drunk asses back to K-Town!
If you are planning on showing up earlier or not taking the train you can meet up near the train station at the fountain. Circle will start at 1430.