Okay – if you are receiving this you are registered for the 12 Down Downs. We still have 7 seats left on the bus, so tell a friend. They are not rego’d until they hear from me or Coitus. However, give a call if you know somebody who wants to join at the last minute there still could be seats.
Here are the 5 Ws of the 12 DDs and Toys for Tots!
Who – All you great hashers that are cumming!
What – 12 Downs Downs of HASHMAS and Toy for Tots!!!!
When – 1300 (1pm) S H A R P!!! This is not a time to be late. (Nice Boy and Engine Fucker arrive at 1230). If you miss the bus, you will have to find your own way to the trail.
Where – Landstuhl Bahnhof – if you are driving and leaving your car, go the back of the station at the end of Untere Eisenbahnstrasse.
Why – To be merry, have drinks, sing hashmas songs and gather toys for tots that need a little help this year!! Remember there will be 12 shots of goodness, so it is recommended that you don’t go too crazy before this starts and EAT LUNCH!!!!
ATTENTION – We are taking a bus ride to a T R A I L!!! This a walking trail with shot stops, but it is a trail (yes there really we’ll be walking – this is not a joke).
What to B R I N G!
1. 25 Euro if you haven’t paid already
2. A vessel (shot glass or cuska) and your thirst for tasty beverages
3. Money for snacks and other things after trail
4. Warm clothes and warm shoes for walking the trail
5. Your toy if you are donating a toy or cash to buy toys (if you haven’t done so already)
6. A lighting device
We will taking a bus ride back to Landstuhl around 1930 so we have time to enjoy the Wild Christmas Market in the woods.