WHERE: 49.397708, 7.577501
From the Bahnhof Landstuhl
Head west on Bahnstraße toward Tulpenstraße
44 s (500 m)
Turn left onto Von-Richthofen-Straße
1 min (450 m)
Take Weiherstraße and L363 to Nardinistraße
5 min (2.1 km)
When: 22 Oct 16 @ 1400
ALRIGHT YOU WANKERS! I came here to kick ass and drink beer, and it’s high time we did that again, Evil Dead style!
This is just a normal jaunt into the woods, but you better have some easily rippable shirts, because hash will be armed with blood packets and demons!
Or you can just be lame and come anyway.
So saw off your evil hand, bring your favorite chainsaw, and let’s hack this bloody thing together!