Once upon a time, 2 wild and crazy guys ran amok in the streets and woods of the Greater Weilerbach community. Rumors have it these 2 “heathens” disappeared only to live honest and respectful non-hashing lives.


For a limited time only, The BOOZE BROTHERS, will come out of retirement and show you young punks how to lay an appropriate inappropriate Sembach trail!

What: Trail hared by All Thrust No Vector and But His Nut
When: 3 Nov 2018 @1400
Where: Sportstraße 6, 67688 Rodenbach
The HUGE parking lot across the street from the above mentioned address
Why: Because we lay, I said lay, GREAT trails! Don’t believe me?!? It’s because you are too new to this school!
How: The trail will be very flat and almost certainly 100% dry! Trust me, I’m the hare and I know these things!

Bonus!!! Better Laid has secured a venue for an EPIC On-After! Why+++ Because we are Sembach and On-Afters are one of the things that made us so LEGENDARY!!!!!

Questions? Ear, Beer…Rear! Now be there or forever be square!