Friday 7 December:
1700: Registration opens at Bauer Schmidt. (Address: 45 Hauptstrasse, Weilerbach, 67685) Rego is 40 EURO.
1700-1800 Hang out at Bauer Schmidt and drink beers, give/get hugs, rejoice in each others’ companionship, grab ass.
1815-1830 Circle somewhere very close to Bauer Schmidt then depart on pub adventure hared by Vader Bader
0100 Stumble back to wherever you have to crash. Rethink life.
Saturday 8 December:
1000: I’d recommend showing up at Bauer Schmidt for breakfast/brunch. (Not required)
1200: Trail starts, at/near Bauer Schmidt, hared by Putin My Sister and Sensual Predator (Bring your vessel)
1600-ish: Trail ends; you’ll be left to your own devices
Sunday 9 December:
1000 Coalesce in Edeka parking lot and enjoy hangover beverages provided by Putin & freinds
1030 Hangover trail starts in the Weilerbach Edeka parking lot, (address: Isigny Allee 1, Weilerbach 67685)
1200 Go our merry ways after giving/getting hugs, trading patches, grabbing asses, etc.
Last reminders: Dress appropriately. Find your umbrella and stay dry. Bring a vessel. Hopefully you attending 12DD one of the last two years and can bring that one. If not, bring something that a “shot” can be poured into but that will also fit maybe a cup of gluhwein or something similar. Last but not least, rego is 40 euro.