A Drinking club with a running problem

Month: July 2015

Sembach Hash #847 – 1 Aug 2015 – Swiss National Day

swiss flag

Hares: Mystery (not a hashers name)

When: Saturday 1 August at 1600 (4pm wanks)

Where: Parking Lot Between Mackenbach and Weilerbach, you know that place.
GPS: 49.4778494,7.6032355

What: Sembach Saturday Hash

How: By Car, walk, run, I don’t care. Just be there!!!

Bring: $5, 5 Euro a thirst for trail and beer.

Note: Show your spirit for Swiss National Day

Joke: I don’t know much about the Swiss, but I do know their flag is a big plus.

Folks another mystery trail, who knows who it will be…could be you or you, but hopefully not that guy.

End of Summer 2015 – D’rections Added

What: The Sembach End of Summer 2015

When: Friday, September 11 – Sunday, September 13th, 2015, with Special Events starting after trail on Saturday.

Please keep an eye out right here for the details, because everything is still TBD. There will be a few changes from now and until the event, so bare with us and we will do our best to deliver you the greatest EOS to date!!! On-on

Here is the link, we have 80 beds and room for tents after 80ish.


How Much: 90€ until 30 August / Late Comers 110€ .

Where: Tuefelsfels, Schneppenbach 55608 N49.845889/E07.408549

The Down and Dirty:
You might be asking yourself what’s going to be at this year’s EOS!!?? Well folks, we’re going to have Premium Beer!!!, Premium Trails, Chili farts, a 3 legged midget named Wilson, MORDOR!!!!, a disco ball, Penis ice sculptures, Antonio Bengayho force feeding you, “trees shrubs and flowers and shit”, a secret Friday night run, More beer!, a non-coherent Hobo, a loveable catholic priest with a fowl mouth and the End of Summer Hash O’Limpdicks, with your game master MIMB. So cum with your vessel held firmly and keep that booty tight, EOS is just in sight.

Friday: Registration @1600, Pasta Dinner @1800, Themed cabin to cabin pub crawl.

Saturday: Breakfast quiche by A.I. Ken, Trail will be @ 1000; Hares will be Coitus Interruptus and Takes 3 To Make Me Cum, with special team event/Charity fund raiser, Hash O’limpdicks.

Hash O’limpdicks

-Game Master – MIMB
-Teams must be made up of 5 participants only. No more and no less.
-3 teams’ minimum, 10 teams maximum (TBD).
-To avoid confrontation and confusion, and because it’ll be awesome, teams will wear matching shirts or themed costumes.
-There will be one team captain to act as a point of contact for the whole team. All questions and concerns will be placed through the team captain. Teams will have at least one woman and one man on them, no exceptions.
-Every team competes in every event, but not every team member needs to compete in every event. Each team member needs to compete at least once or the team will be disqualified (no excuses). Each team will have their own score sheet with each event on it to record their scores. The O’limpdicks Game Master will be the main score taker and judge. Other volunteers will be requested to help judge and operate a stopwatch time, but all penalty calls are final from the Game master.
-We will need volunteers to help move props and set up for the next events and to corral the teams, so the flow of the competition is never stopped, for too long.
-For scoring, we will take the number of teams we have, and award that many points for first in each event (6 teams=6 points for first). Last place always gets 1 point. Every team in between…you get the point. Puking during an event qualifies as zero (0) on the score sheet.
– An official list of the Hash O’limpdicks *ules will be sent to whomever sends Nicholas Shonk (MIMB) their email address.

Sunday: Breakfast with a side of Saturday night’s regrets, then hangover trail.

Getting to Sembach EoS Bash* (not a bike hash) 2015 11-13 September 2015

IMPORTANT Cell Phone coverage is spotty so if you need pickup on Friday please coordinate with coitus_interrtupus36@yahoo.com by Wednesday 9 Sept or sooner.

Getting there by train:
Thursday arrival
If you want to get into town early so you don’t miss a minute of EoS let us know and we will help you find crash space.  Just get to Kaiserslautern Hauptbahnhof or the nearest train station to your crash space host and get a ride from a local hasher.

Friday arrival
The nearest train station to Schneppenbach is in Kirn (Rheinland-Pfalz) only 15 km away.


Options from Kirn to venue:
1. Walk the approximate 15km it is mostly up hill (pickup beer at Kirn brewery)
2. Give us your train schedule (ahead of time) so we can coordinate meeting spot and pickup times.


Flying in:
Frankfurt Hahn is only 30km away.  Give us your schedule and we will help you figure out a way to reach the EoS. Try getting to Kirn and see info for train above.
Frank Main – let us know, but probably your best bet is to take the train to Kaiserslautern or Kirn depending on arrival times.



1.So if you are driving the venue website is http://www.jugenddorf-teufelsfels.de/
2. Address:
Soonwaldstraße 5
55608 Schneppenbach
3. If you need more driving directions get a GPS!!!

GPS: 49.8411521,7.4083506

We will have HHH signs to mark the driveway – it is a hidden drive and easy to miss.  The drive is between Scheppenbach and Bruscheid on L184.





Full Blue Moon Hash # 846 – 31 July 15


What: The BLUE MOON HASH and LUGHNASDAH – making this an extra PAGAN hash

Where: Henschtalhalle – Hauptstrasse 20 66909 Henschtal

Why: To celebrate the full moon and the summer harvest!!!

When: Meet up at 1900 and hare away by 1930

What: Bring your hash cash, your virgins, your pagan relics, a flashlight, your thirst for beer and your sense of adventure.

Trail: A to B and Takes 3 is your hare!

D’erections: From Ktown head towards A62. Take A62 towards Trier and exit Glan-Muenchweiler. Go left towards and then through Glan-Muenchweiler (stay on the priority road the whole way). Drive/ride beneath the A62 and you are almost there, stay straight and enter Henschtal. The driveway for the Henschthalle is a right turn just before the bus stop on the same side of street. Look for hashers.

There will be an on-after at Takes 3 and CI’s house. Limited crash space is available in house. If you bring your tent there is plenty space in our yard. Please let us know if you are looking for crash space or if you will be pitching your tent.

If you are lost call 01522 641 8614 (takes 3) or 015151261911 (CI).