Here Ye, Here Ye…join Sembach H3 as we take over Landstuhl and plan our invasion of the “Castle Experience.” Peasants will dawn their best garb to avoid the sting of fauna, muck of trail, and other obstacles that may occur. Bring your drinking horns, thirst for mead, and your desire for trail.

What: Sembach Trail 1161 – The hares get Medieval on your @$$

When: 6 May 2023 @1600/4pm

Where: The parking lot behind the Landstuhl Theater (Air Hotel Royal)

Why: Today is Saturday and Saturday is a hashing day.

Description of Trail: Short, flat, and shiggy free (depends how the hares feel)

Special Destructions: Bring hash cash $5 or 5 Euro. On-after at Medieval festival at Landstuhl Castle, so bring extra cash.
***Current plan above, stay tuned if things change***

New start location: 49.4167625, 7.5660023

behind the Landstuhl Train station

Link to flyer: