Hares: Anatomically Incorrect Ken & Squeaky Queen

What: Sembach Freedom isn’t free *un.

When: 2 July 2016 @ 1600

Bring: $5 or 5 Euros, virgins, your thirst for Beer and your Merican spirit. ALSO SHIGGY SOCKS, HOLY SHIT BRING YOUR SHIGGY SOCKS

Where: GPS coordinates 49.491090, 7.585001’28.8%22N+7%C2%B035’07.4%22E/@49.491335,7.5847678,18z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d49.4913333!4d7.5853889

Why GPS?: I don’t know, it’s a damn parking lot. Take the L369 (ha!) north from the Mackenbach Circle, go down the big hill and turn left at the bottom. Check the picture I uploaded if you get confused.